Blink! - Brainstorming

Blink Icon
Brainstorming is a idea creation and problem resolution process commonly used in the through out the entire world. With "Blink!" you will be able to connect simultaneously with up to 7 iPhones, send ideas through your connected within the timelimit, conduct voting sessions and check out the final ranking of the most voted ideas.
Blink! on iOS is a companion app for the Apple TV app of the same name. It can't be used alone.

GitHub: https://github.com/csfar/blink

AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/br/app/blink-brainstorming/id1524089387


Blink! is a tvOS app with a iOS companion, both developed using SwiftUI. In addition to the design, I developed all the communication between iOS and tvOS, using Multipeer Connectivity. With Blink! is possible to realize group brainstorming sessions on a AppleTV using iPhones to interaction.
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